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Searching for professionals to solve a wide variety of life tasks has long ceased to be something unusual. Convenience, clarity and speed of service are still important for users, but inspiration is no less important for them. After all, it is inspiration that turns an idea into action.
Idea and solution:
The root of the word inspiration is the word breath. It is as if we are breathing in air into our dreams. But if those dreams are not backed up by possibilities, they quickly fade away and exhalation sets in. In Profi's new creative frame, we show the reverse process - when inflatable dreams turn into real deeds with the help of Profi. And to talk about those who are used to realize their ideas with Profi, we've coined a new term - ideationists. In this word there is no gap between ideas and activity, just as there is no gap for those who use the services of Profi and quickly find active specialists for any of their ideas. With Profi, it's easy to be idea-active!