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Education for people who are still incarcerated or have recently been released from prison. The project provides an opportunity to get a modern digital skill set and radically change your life. Skillbox believes that education is an effective way to re-enter society for those with a prison background.
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The problem of resocialization of people with a prison background is very acute in Russia. 58% of prisoners return to jail within six months after leaving it.

While serving a sentence, a person loses relevant professional skills. When they leave prison, they are branded as criminals, it is hard for them to get a job and return to the society.

Idea and implementation:

Skillbox’s mission — access to modern education without restrictions (including social ones). In solving this problem we also saw an opportunity to create a new niche in EdTech. 

#Lifeafter — education for people who are still in prison or who have recently been released from there. The project provides an opportunity to get modern digital skills and radically change your life. Skillbox believes that education is an effective way to re-enter society for those with a prison background.

We understood that we could not show up at the colonies with an online educational platform, so in order to implement our strategy, we needed to launch a resonant campaign and start discussion within the society.

We decided to change the taboo nature and negative attitude towards this problem by testing a hypothesis: we set up a social experiment with 4 former prisoners from different regions of the Russian Federation.

We documented their learning process for 9 months and turned it into a film to draw attention to the problem and start a discussion.

At the moment of the highest tension associated with the outflow of IT personnel from the country, in order to increase the resonance, we decided to scale the experiment and issue additional 100 grants.

The second stage is the publication of a study on the results of training a group of grantees and scaling up the public discussion.


The result of the campaign exceeded our expectations – a new niche and a proposed solution to an acute social problem caused a resonance in the society and led to the  adoption of the law by the Ministry of Justice on making the Internet available for online learning in colonies.

136К (+15%)

Type-in brand funnel increased by 15%

up to 10%

Improvement of the brand image according to the BHT "Intention to pass" metric


Comments, likes, reposts

>150 applicants

Received from the Leningrad, Tver and Tomsk colonies, NGOs and human rights activists

We were able to integrate online education on the territory of the women's correctional colony No. 7 in the Lipetsk region.

The project is still going strong! If you have inclusive employment programs, or the opportunity to hire our graduates as freelancers, please contact us!